
Sunday 19 July 2015

July 2015 Update

Getting ready to fly to OSH, but I'll be flying my 172 as CF-CLR is still a long way from completion.  The new goal is Oshkosh 2016!

Progress has been made and I've certainly been putting in many hours.  A good deal of finicky work particularly in the parts fabrication department and especially where it involved parts which I don't have and was unable to come up with drawings or photos.  The hat shelf is an example... a seemingly less significant part but CF-CLR has metal door frames and "D' windows which apparently is a less common configuration.  My desire to remain within the relm of the original design further complicates things.

Anyway I'm happy to say that most of the fabrication hurdles have been crossed and the fuselage is almost ready for fabric.

The cabin doors turned out to be more than a strip and repaint so I gave them a separate section.  So new photos and blow-by-blow are located in the Doors and Fuselage sections.