
Friday 25 December 2015

Christmas 2015

Here's wishing everyone an enjoyable Christmas Season and happy and prosperous 2016.

Work on CF-CLR has been reasonably steady, interrupted by some travel, and the discovery of a crack in the exhaust of my 172, which necessitated its replacement.  When I restored the 172, I wanted to do something about the appearance of the tailpipe, so I polished it.  The result was very good, but once you're committed..... 
 Anyway this meant that the new exhaust had to have the tailpipe polished, involving sanding with successively finer grit emery papers before finally buffing the chrome-look finish.  Don't remember it taking as long the first time I did it :(

With the 172 annual in the books, and a considerably lighter wallet (especially after also purchasing an exhaust for CF-CLR and many gallons of paint & polybrush/spray, compounded by a now 40% premium due to our soft Canadian Dollar), back to work.

 The covering of the tail feathers and fuselage is complete and the fuselage is just about ready for topcoat.  I completed as much of the fuselage interior work as I could including test-fitting the headliner, a job I had put off as long as I could and in the end lived up to all my expectations and more.  Phew, glad that's out of the way.

 Not yet decided how to proceed from here.  It would be nice to paint the white while the UV coat is fresh, but I could use some practice first so perhaps the tailfeathers would be a better place to start.  Still need to spray the two polybrush coats and three cross-coats of UV polyspray on the tail feathers.  Also need to fabricate the lower cowling now that I have an exhaust and this needs to happen prior to laying out colours.  Whoops, thinking out load here...

Look for updates in the Fuselage and Tail Feathers sections and again, have a great 2016!