
Sunday 9 July 2017

July 2017

Welcome to my first update of  2017.  Subsequent to my last post in December, I took some planned time away from the project.  Given normal January temperatures in Thunder Bay often hover around -20C to -30C, the hangar, being thinly insulated and inadequately heated, is not a comfortable place in January.  So I scheduled the complete renovation of our second bathroom.  Long story short, by the time I was done I was into February.  Then took 10 days to head south for some fishing.  We were also away (in British Columbia) for another 7 weeks come Spring for more house repairs/updates which basically left the months of March, part of April, and the latter half of June for CF-CLR.

Anyway, progress has been made including assembly of the wings and partial fabrication of the exhaust heat shroud.  So this update includes the Wings and Firewall Forward sections.

I plan to fly my 172 C-GPGK to OSH and I'll be camping under the wing.  If you see me stop by to say hello!