
Monday 3 September 2018

Oshkosh 2018

Camp CF-CLR OSH 2018

Thanks to all who stopped by at OSH.  Certainly all the complements and congratulations made me feel good after what was a somewhat stressful few weeks leading up to July 23rd and the flight to Oshkosh.

I'd put some hours on my 172 leading up to the big day so that at least my basic flying skills were current.  I picked up the C of A Thursday July 19th,  flew CF-CLR for the first time on Friday, did a few circuits, adjustments, and a very short cross-country over the weekend, and Monday morning loaded up the sleeping bag and headed for Oshkosh.

 I Stopped at Grand Marais MN to clear customs, then southwest until Lake Superior seemed manageable (just northeast of Silver Bay) then hung a left over the lake toward Price County WI where I stopped for fuel and a bio-break before heading into Wittman Regional.  About 4 hours and 20 minutes total air time.

 I had made no preparations for CF-CLR to be "judged" meaning I didn't have a "book" or as it turns out, good answers to all the questions!  Despite this I'm happy to report that CF-CLR won "Outstanding Taylorcraft," a decent way to cap off this restoration odyssey.

I've created a section "Epilogue" to tie up some informational loose ends and report on the first 15 hours or so of flight.

Thanks again to all who stopped by to chat and for everyone who has offered help and support along the way.

This is my last post at least for now.  I will of course continue to answer any questions, here or on the Taylorcraft Forum.

Can't believe I just wrote that!